2024年11月 / November 2024 【Full course】
味農家コース(Non-vegetarian full course)
ベジタリアンコース(Vegetarian full
course)/for VEGAN
※ 2つのコースの違いは、出汁だけです。(ベジタリアンコースは、昆布と野菜の出汁です。)
The only difference between the two
courses is the broth.(The vegetarian course is
a soup stock of kelp and vegetables.)
※ グルテンフリーコースは、グルテンフリー醤油を使用します。(コース内に小麦粉は、使用していません。)
For the gluten-free course, gluten-free
soy sauce is used.(No flour is used
in the course.)
先付《1st appetizers》
Daily Seasonal Vegetable Dishes.
<No Photo>
前菜《5 kinds of 2nd
appetizers》 ※All
served together.
Turnip, Japanese
mustard spinach and Brussels sprouts with peanuts.
②レンコン、椎茸、銀杏のさっぱり煮 柚子胡椒風味
Simmered lotus root, shiitake mushroom and ginkgo nut with vinegar and
yuzu kosho(a spicy, hot Japanese condiment made from yuzu rind, chili and salt).
③エリンギ、長芋の磯辺揚げ ゆかり掛け
Deep-fried eringi mushrooms and yam wrapped in nori with
(Yukari is a kind of Japanese furikake (rice
seasoning) that is
made from red
shiso leaves. )
Sweet Potato
Canape with Fried Burdock and Orange Marmalade.
⑤ブロッコリー、水菜、豆乳チーズの生姜蒸し とんぶり添え
broccoli, Mizuna(potherb mustard), soy milk cheese with ginger, served with
tonburi.(Tomburi is a species of kochia, which is used as a garnish in Japan.)
白菜のすりながし ニラと人参の胡麻和え添え
Soup of grated Chinese cabbage with
Chinese chives and carrots
dressed with sesame seeds.
副菜盛合せ《Assorted side dishes》※All served together.
ⓐ芹、セロリの菊花あん掛け 粉山椒
Japanese parsley and celery with chrysanthemum flower starchy sauce, topped
with powdered sansho (Japanese pepper).
Grilled spinach, lily bulb and enoki mushroom wrapped
with radish.
煮物 《Simmered dish》
simmered pumpkin, deep-fried tofu, green onion and
mushroom with pumpkin paste.
食事《Japanese mixed rice》
里芋、ひじき、しめじの炊き込みご飯(味噌汁 漬物)
使用米:栃木県さくら市産 新米 『なすひかり』
Rice cooked with taro, hijiki Seaweed, shimeji mushroom in
earthenware pot.(miso soup & pickles)
Rice used:Tochigi rice "Nasuhikari”
※Rice can be refilled.
レーズンのあんこ 紅茶のクッキーサンド
Black tea cookie sandwich with raisin bean paste.