August 2024 Full Course Menu
2024年8月 / August 2024 【Full
味農家コース(Non-vegetarian full course)
ベジタリアンコース(Vegetarian full
course)/for VEGAN
※ 2つのコースの違いは、出汁だけです。(ベジタリアンコースは、昆布と野菜の出汁です。)
The only difference between the two
courses is the broth.(The vegetarian course is
a soup stock of kelp and vegetables.)
※ グルテンフリーコースは、グルテンフリー醤油を使用します。(コース内に小麦粉は、使用していません。)
For the gluten-free course, gluten-free
soy sauce is used.(No flour is used
in the course.)
Okra, bean sprouts, shiso leaves, and
nori seaweed with wasabi
flavored sesame paste.
前菜《5 kinds of 2nd
appetizers》 ※All
served together.
Dried radish, Shishito
peppers and zucchini in tomato sauce.
Vinegared corn, kidney beans, cucumber and celery with sudachi citron.
Sesame Tofu(crushed sesame seeds boiled in water and
chilled like tofu) with Edamame.
Tempura of
grilled eggplant with rice powder and bitter gourd miso.
Baked green
pepper stuffed with red beans and cheese.
Soy milk vichyssoise with potatoes,
bell peppers and shimeji mushrooms.
蒸物《Steamed dish》
Steamed ginkgo, shiitake and burdock root with sweet potato, radish and
kanzuri paste.
is a fermented Japanese red pepper seasoning.)
煮物 《Simmered dish》
Simmered wax gourd, lettuce and peanuts.
食事《Japanese mixed rice》
大根桜漬けと小松菜と油揚げの炊き込みご飯(味噌汁 漬物)
使用米:山形県庄内地方産 特別栽培米 『つや姫』
Rice cooked with pickled radish with red
shiso, komatsuna and
deep-fried tofu in earthenware pot. (miso soup & pickles)
Rice used:Yamagata rice "Yukiwakamaru”
※Rice can be refilled.
Skewered grape and lemon yokan(sweet bean jelly).