February 2024 Full Course Menu
2023年2月 フルコースメニュー
February 2023 Full Course Menu
先付《1st appetizers》
Baked Shimonita leek with potato.
前菜《5 kinds of 2nd appetizers》 ※All served together.
Celery, Japanese parsley and enoki mushroom with sesame seeds
and starchy sauce.
・レンコン、椎茸、さつま芋のさっぱり煮 針柚子
simmered lotus root, shiitake mushroom and sweet potato in vinegar
with shredded peel of yuzu.
Grilled yam and turnip with ume plum paste and shiso leaves.
Deep-fried udo(wild vegetable) wrapped in grated yam and seaweed.
Pumpkin and broccoli wrapped in grilled soy cheese(100% plant-
豆腐のすり流し 柚子胡椒仕立て フキノトウ天ぷら添え
Potage of Tofu with Chili Peppers and Yuzu(Yuzu Kosho) and
Butterbur Tempura.
Steamed cauliflower, avocado and seaweed wrapped in spinach
with cashew nuts and cabbage.
大根、長ネギ、しめじ、油揚げの八丁味噌煮 柚子七味
Simmered radish, green onion, shimeji mushroom and deep-fried tofu
with Hatcho miso(Traditional red miso) and yuzu shichimi(blend of
seven spices).
食事《Japanese mixed rice》
里芋、ささがきゴボウ、小松菜の炊き込みご飯(味噌汁 漬物)
Rice cooked with taro, burdock root, Japanese mustard spinach
in earthenware pot. (miso soup & pickles)
Rice used:Yamagata rice "Yukiwakamaru”
※Rice can be refilled.
Japanese sweets with strawberries wrapped in red bean paste.