January 2024 Short Course Menu
January 2024, Sort course
前菜《3 kinds of 1st appetizers》
Boiled broccoli, snap peas and green onion with vinegared yuzu miso.
・里芋と長芋の昆布炊き カシューナッツ掛け
Simmered taro and yam on konbu with cashew nuts.
Baked canola blossoms and kujo leek with rice powder topped with mustard.
野菜そば《Vegetable Soba Noodles》
季節の野菜の天ぷら2種をのせた 野菜そば
Vegetable soba with two kinds of seasonal vegetable tempura
※Vegetable soba is a dish of vegetables cut into thin strips
in the shape of soba noodles. No buckwheat flour is used.
蒸物《Steamed dish》
2 kinds of steamed stir-fried vegetables wrapped with radish.
(①spinach, enoki mushroom, potato /
② eringi mushroom, bean sprouts, deep-fried tofu)
食事《Japanese mixed rice》
ささがきゴボウと油揚げの炊き込みご飯(味噌汁 漬物)
Rice cooked with Shaved burdock and deep-fried tofu
in earthenware pot(miso soup & pickles)
Rice used:Yamagata rice "Yukiwakamaru”
※Rice can be refilled.
Apple yokan (sweet bean jelly).