December 2023 Full Course Menu
2023年12月 / December 2023 【Full course】
先付《1st appetizers》
Simmered burdock and Kurakake soybeans in red wine.
前菜《5 kinds of 2nd appetizers》 ※All served together.
Cabbage, shimeji mushrooms and wakame seaweed with grated
radish and yuzu pepper.
Lily root, cauliflower and potherb mustard with cashew nuts
and sudachi citrus.
Wrapped turnip with canola flower and kumquat (citrus) with mustard.
Japanese mustard spinach and dried persimmon with wasabi pickles.
(Wasabi preserved in sake lees)
・里芋の信太揚げ ゴマ青のり掛け
Deep-fried taro rolled in deep-fried tofu topped with sesame seeds
and aonori seaweed.
Clear soup of shredded mitsuba, shiitake mushrooms, yam,
and green onion.
南瓜とほうれん草豆腐の花蒸し もやし、エノキ添え
Steamed pumpkin and spinach tofu with bean sprouts and
enoki mushrooms.
Simmered sweet potato buns, kujo leeks (Kyoto leeks) and
nameko mushrooms with simmered Japanese radish.
食事《Japanese mixed rice》
レンコン、エリンギ、ひじきの炊き込みご飯(味噌汁 漬物)
Rice cooked with lotus root, eringi mushroom, hijiki seaweed
in earthenware pot(miso soup & pickles)
Rice used:Yamagata rice "Yukiwakamaru”
※Rice can be refilled.
Mochi filled with ginger bean jam.