October 2023 Short Course Menu

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前菜3 kinds of 1st appetizers


Turnip, komatsuna and avocado with wasabi miso.



Simmered wax gourd and lotus root with Yukari(Yukari is made from

Shiso leaves that people sprinkle on their rice. ).


・もやしの米粉揚げ ナス椎茸みそ掛け

Deep-fried bean sprouts with rice flour and eggplant with shiitake miso.


野菜そばVegetable Soba Noodles

季節の野菜の天ぷら2種をのせた 野菜そば

Vegetable soba with two kinds of seasonal vegetable tempura




Vegetable soba is a dish of vegetables cut into thin strips

in the shape of soba noodles. No buckwheat flour is used.


蒸物Steamed dish

切干し大根、舞茸、玉ねぎの里芋うめ挟み蒸し スダチ添え

Steamed Kiriboshi-daikon, maitake mushroom, onion wrapped with

taro umeboshi (Japanese plum paste) with sudachi.


食事Japanese mixed rice

ささがきゴボウと油揚げの炊き込みご飯味噌汁 漬物

使用米:山形県庄内地方産 特別栽培米  『雪若丸』


Rice cooked with Shaved burdock and deep-fried tofu

in earthenware potmiso soup & pickles

Rice used:Yamagata rice "Yukiwakamaru”

Rice can be refilled.



シナモンあんの もちもち皮巻き

Rolled rice cake with cinnamon bean jam.