November 2023 Short Course Menu
前菜《3 kinds of 1st appetizers》
Japanese parsley,
celery and broccoli with tonburi (kochia seed)and sesame seeds.
Pickled Squash and Spring Onion with KANZURI(Niigata
chili pepper miso) Flavor.
・レンコンとじゃが芋の挟み焼き 梅しそ包み
Baked lotus root and potato with pickled plum and shiso.
野菜そば《Vegetable Soba
季節の野菜の天ぷら2種をのせた 野菜そば
Vegetable soba with two kinds of
seasonal vegetable tempura
※Vegetable soba is a dish of vegetables
cut into thin strips
in the shape of soba noodles. No
buckwheat flour is used.
煮物 《Simmered dish》
さつま芋、エノキ、人参、キャベツの沢煮 柚子こしょう湯葉添え
Simmered shredded sweet potato, enoki mushroom, carrot
cabbage with yuzu kosho yuba.
食事《Japanese mixed rice》
ささがきゴボウと油揚げの炊き込みご飯(味噌汁 漬物)
使用米:山形県庄内地方産 特別栽培米 『雪若丸』
Rice cooked with Shaved burdock and
deep-fried tofu
in earthenware pot(miso soup & pickles)
Rice used:Yamagata rice "Yukiwakamaru”
※Rice can be refilled.
Tea-flavored rice powder steamed cake
with orange marmalade.